Red Bull Ring might only have 10 corners, 3 of which are fully flat out, but it’s certainly bites and bites hard. Gravel traps right on the track’s edge, dangerous curbs and pesky track limits make Red Bull Ring incredibly annoying but also beautifully satisfying when you finally get that perfect lap. Let’s talk about a few key point you need to look out for when pushing flat out around this track.
Turn 1 sets the tone for your whole lap and is the place where a lot of time is gained or lost. You want your car to dance on the edge of grip and track limits to maximize how much speed you can carry through the apex and the exit of that corner.
The combination of turns 5-6-7-8 is arguably the most difficult section of this track and requires perfect car placement. But surprisingly it is the brakes that make you go faster through this complex of corners – spending the least time on brakes as possible while using them effectively to rotate the car into the long medium-speed corners is key.
Fast turns 9 and 10 round up the lap around Red Bull Ring and will shatter your dreams of a purple lap if you overstep the limit on the exits.

For the more in-depth guide on how to find pace around Red Bull Ring we highly recommend to watch our dedicated Lap Guide video that you can find down below.
Lap Guide
Braking Zones and Corner Speeds

*click* here for Kilometer per hour version


The opening of the Österreichring (Modern day Red Bull Ring) in 1969 spelt the end of the bumpy old Zeltweg airfield track, which the drivers had grown to hate. The race track was opened with a 1000-kilometer race. Victory was taken by Joseph Siffert and Kurt Ahrens in the Porsche 917. A name that was still unknown at the time made it into eighth place in the overall standings – Helmut Marko. Learn more about the 50+ year history of the Red Bull Ring here.
You can download the telemetry from Iggy’s fast lap shown in the lap guide video above and use it to compare to your own captured telemetry. If you need help getting started capturing and viewing your own Gran Turismo telemetry you can check out our quick start guide.
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